Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome!  First let me start by offering the disclaimer mentioned in the "About Me" section (Just in case you skipped over it).  I, by no means, started this blog with the arrogance that I have all the answers, know it all, or have the necessary insight to guide you to an exact solution to your specific dilemma.  I do not have a Ph.D. in the male psychology by any means, but I am a firm believer in the notion that true knowledge is gained through experience, and being just that, a man, qualifies me to give at least one point of view and possibly an outsiders perspective on any given situation and possibly lead you in the right direction and provide maybe some satirical relief mixed in to spice it up.  Let's face it, the common problem, from what I have heard from a myriad of women is that their man...or men (no judgment here)...lack the ability to communicate with you through more than a serious of grunts and therefore causes problems.  No topic is too small, and no question is too irrelevant, and contrary to popular belief there are wheels actually turning in that brain of his.  Like I said, I don't have all the answers, but I do have a few.  Communication is half the battle, so if there is any female out there that requires a male perspective (remember, free of judgment), ask away.

AND, a special thanks to my best friend from Texas, she inspired this and truly is one outstanding lady, with an outstanding family, all the best and thank you for getting me started.
